Scientists of seven IITs of the country have submitted their report on Ganga Pollution. The report clearly states that it is very important to implement Zero Liquid Discharge Policy for cleanliness of Ganga. Industries, hotels, etc. should clean the dirty water and reuse it wholly. Sewage in any form should not be release in Ganga and her tributaries:
“All new colonies/townships and large multi-storied complexes must adopt a zero-liquid discharge policy, wherein domestic sewage generated within the complex must be treated and recycled/reused within the complex itself.” Report is attached here. ( hl1,Report page 12).
The present policy is that waste water is treated by the industries and released in the river but there is always suspicion on this. It is very difficult to inspect repeatedly whether the industries are actually treating the water before releasing it into the Ganga. When inspectors come, these industries start their treatment plants. On the industries give clean as samples of sewage water to the Inspectors. The government cannot keep its eyes on them again and again. The only solution is to apply Zero Liquid Discharge Policy. For example, the water after bathing can be uses in the kitchen garden. Do not let that dirty water go out of the house’s premises. Similarly, all industries must use dirty water after treatment and use it again and again until the water is finished. According to the IIT report, the industries involved in cleaning the dirty water should bear the cost themselves:
“The cost of industrial waste management, including reuse/recycle of treated sewage is to be largely borne by the industries themselves with minimal support from central/state governments. Our preliminary studies show that the industries can absorb such costs and in long run this will help in sustained growth of industries through internalizing the environmental costs.” Report page 56
Cleaned water could be sold to recoup the cost of treatment. The municipalities should could sell the dirty water after treatment. Cleaned water can be sold for irrigation. (Report page 56).
Our request to Shri Narendra Modi is that the Ganga is in crisis because untreated water is being released in the river. Therefore, all the sewage going to the river should be completely closed. All industries, hotels, etc., should clean that dirty water and reuse that water again. Ganga can be clean only when the government implements zero liquid discharge policy.