Ganga is known to be holy because its water carries spiritual charges. But the question arises from where this spirituality comes the Ganga?
The molecule of the water is formed by the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. These atoms join together and form one molecule of water. Large numbers of molecules then join together and molecular clusters of beautiful designs. The shape of these clusters carries the spiritual charges. Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has taken photographs of these clusters as given below.
pure crystal in clean river waterwater crystal in clean waterThese clusters are found in various shapes in water. Above first photo is of cluster of spring water and other is of cluster of clean stream water. The difference in the shapes of the two clusters indicates that the flow of water makes a difference to the shapes of the clusters. A detailed study of these clusters is available in report(chapter 4, page 30)Similarly, we believe that the flow of the Ganga below the shrines of Badrinath and Kedarnath influences the shape of these clusters. These molecular clusters carry the spiritual charges.These clusters get disturbed when water of Ganga passes through hydropower turbines. The water crashes on the blades of the turbines for the generation of the power. The molecular clusters present in the water are ruined in the process due to which spiritual power of the water becomes extinct and the water become energy less. It is like water used for aachman in pooja being put in a mixi before sprinkling.Proof of the dissipation of energy of water due to hydropower turbines is available from Krilian Photography. Given below is Krilian photo of a crystal of water upstream of Tehri Dam. One can see a halo around the crystal indicating the high level of energy. Hexagonal shaped crystal in water at GangotriWe give another Krilian Photograph of water crystal taken below the Tehri Dam after the water has passed through the turbines.Hexagonal shaped crystal growing an upward spiral at Maneri Reservoir
We can see that the halo around the crystal is gone indicating that the water has lost its inner energy. A detailed study of these photographs is available is here. (chapter 5,page 48)
We welcome the visit of Shri Advani to Rishikesh to get blessings of the Ganga. However, the Government is taking no steps to rid the Ganga of hydropower turbines so that her spiritual powers are conserved. We request our Prime Minister Narendra Modi to remove the existing hydropower projects on the Ganga and to stop the construction of more hydropower projects so that her spiritual powers are conserved and millions taking dip in the Ganga get the spiritual benefits.