1. Hydropower
Hydropower projects should remove water from the river by making a partial obstruction so that upstream migration of fish and downstream flow of sediments is unaffected.
2. Tehri
Tehri Dam must be decommissioned. Monsoon water must by stored in groundwater aquifers in the plains.
3. Irrigation
Volumetric pricing of water must be done for irrigation. The price of agricultural produce must be increased to compensate the farmer for this additional burden.
4. Pollution
All industries must be required to make Zero Liquid Discharge. Municipalities must be required to use treated sewage for irrigation.
5. Farakka
A new barrage with undersluices should be made to divert water from Ganga into the old bed of the Hooghly.
6. Sunderbans
We must renegotiate the Farakka Treaty with Bangladesh to provide flood flows to Sunderbans so that sediments are pushed to the mouths of the Ganga and counteract erosion.